Bee Pollen
This research explores the relationship between biodiversity, apiculture, and art through collaboration with a local beekeeper in Greta Desirèe Facchinato’s hometown in Italy. Focusing on bee pollen and honey, she developed bio-based ink for screen printing.
Bee pollen, rich in color and reflective of local landscapes, offers insights into ecological cycles and biodiversity. This collaboration merges apicultural knowledge with artistic exploration, resulting in sustainable inks that bridge science and creativity.
The project is part of Color is Alive, with a limited set of screenprints inspired by these unique, living materials.
Research, Concept, Design, Ink-making and Screen printing: Greta Desirèe Facchinato.
Collaboration with Apicoltura Fiorella Pelizza and Grafische Werkplaats Den Haag, made possible by Gemeente Den Haag.
Photography: Raquel Sánchez Gálvez; Greta Desirèe Facchinato.